Command-Line Interface


usage: chunk-torch-spect-data-dir [-h] [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                  [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                  [--feat-subdir FEAT_SUBDIR]
                                  [--ali-subdir ALI_SUBDIR]
                                  [--ref-subdir REF_SUBDIR]
                                  [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                  [--mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE]
                                  [--policy {fixed,ali,ref}]
                                  [--lobe-size LOBE_SIZE]
                                  [--window-type {symmetric,causal,future}]
                                  [--pad-mode {constant,reflect,replicate}]
                                  [--pad-constant PAD_CONSTANT]
                                  [--retain-token-boundaries] [--quiet]
                                  [--format-utt FORMAT_UTT]
                                  in_dir out_dir

Create a new SpectDataSet directory by chunking another

This command breaks SpectDataSet sequences into sub-sequences (chunks), storing the
results in a new directory. New utterances are named according to "--format-utt".

Sequences are sliced according to one of three policies set by the "--policy" flag
(default "fixed"). They are:

- fixed: extract a fixed-sized window at fixed-length intervals along the feature
- ali: use per-frame alignments to segment the feature sequence into intervals with
       matching labels. Requires per-frame alignments (data in the "ali/" subdirectory).
- ref: use reference token sequence segments as slices. Requires reference sequences
       (data in the "ali/" subdirectory) and for them to contain segment boundary

Overlapping chunks may be created by specifying "--lobe-size" (default "0") and
"--window-type" (default "symmetric"). More details on the policies and windowing can
be found in the Python module pydrobert.torch.modules.SliceSpectData.

By default, only valid slices (i.e. those entirely within the boundaries of the input
sequences) are counted. Specifying "--pad-mode" will include slices partially within
boundaries as well as how to pad features and per-frame alignments to fill the

See the command "get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more info SpectDataSet directories.

positional arguments:
  in_dir                The torch data directory to chunk (input)
  out_dir               The torch data directory to store chunks (output)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --feat-subdir FEAT_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where features are stored.
  --ali-subdir ALI_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where per-frame alignments are stored.
  --ref-subdir REF_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where reference token sequences are
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count
  --mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE
                        The number of utterances that a multiprocessing worker
                        will process at once. Impacts speed and memory
  --policy {fixed,ali,ref}
                        The policy for determining slices from the data. See
  --lobe-size LOBE_SIZE
                        Size of a side lobe of a slice. See SliceSpectData.
  --window-type {symmetric,causal,future}
                        Type of window used in slicing. See SliceSpectData.
  --pad-mode {constant,reflect,replicate}
                        If specified, determines how to chunks of features and
                        alignments exceeding the original sequence boundaries.
                        constant: pad with the value of '--pad-constant'.
                        reflect: padded values are the reflection around
                        sequence boundaries. replicate: padded values match
                        the first and final sequence values.
  --pad-constant PAD_CONSTANT
                        Constant used when padding with '--pad-mode=constant'
  --partial-tokens      If set, reference token sequences which only partly
                        overlap with a chunk will still be included with the
                        If set, segment boundaries of reference token
                        sequences will keep their original values rather than
                        being made relative to the chunk.
  --quiet               Suppress any warnings.
  --format-utt FORMAT_UTT
                        Format string with which to format utterance ids of
                        chunks. Available keys are 'utt_id': the old utterance
                        id, 'start': the start frame of the chunk (inclusive),
                        'end': the end frame of the chunk (exclusive), and
                        'idx': the 0-index of the chunk within the utterance


usage: compute-mvn-stats-for-torch-feat-data-dir [-h]
                                                 [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                                 [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                                 [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                                 [--dim DIM] [--id2gid ID2GID]
                                                 dir out

Compute mean and standard deviation over a torch feature directory

A feature directory is of the form


where each file contains a dynamically-sized tensor whose last dimension (by default) is
a feature vector. Letting F be a feature vector, this command computes the mean and
standard deviation of the features in the directory, storing them as a pickled
dictionary of tensors (with keys 'mean' and 'std') to the file 'out'. Those statistics
may be used with a pydrobert.torch.modules.MeanVarianceNormalization layer.

positional arguments:
  dir                   The feature directory
  out                   Output path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count
  --dim DIM             The dimension of the feature vector
  --id2gid ID2GID       Path to a file mapping feature tensors to groups. See
                        below for more info
  --bessel              Apply Bessel's correction
                        ('s_correction) to

If --id2gid is specified, it points to a file which maps file ids to groups. Each group
gets its own statistics which are estimated using only the feature vectors from the
files assigned to them. With <id_1>, <id_2>, etc. part of the file names in the feature
directory as above and <gid_1>, <gid_2>, etc. strings without spaces representing group
ids, then the argument passed to --id2gid is a file with lines

    <id_x> <gid_y>

defining a surjective mapping from file ids to group ids. 'out' will then store a
pickled, nested dictionary

        <gid_1>: {'mean': ..., 'var': ...},
        <gid_2>: {'mean': ..., 'var': ...},

of the statistics of all groups.


usage: compute-torch-token-data-dir-error-rates [-h] [--id2token ID2TOKEN]
                                                [--replace REPLACE]
                                                [--ignore IGNORE]
                                                [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                                [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                                [--swap] [--warn-missing]
                                                [--distances] [--per-utt]
                                                [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
                                                [--costs INS DEL SUB | --nist-costs]
                                                dir [hyp] [out]

Compute error rates between reference and hypothesis token data dirs

The error rates reported by this command have changed since version v0.3.0 of
pydrobert-pytorch when the insertion, deletion, and substitution costs do not all equal
1. Consult the documentation of "pydrobert.torch.functional.error_rate" for more

This is a very simple script that computes and prints the error rates between the "ref/"
(reference/gold standard) token sequences and "hyp/" (hypothesis/generated) token
sequences in a SpectDataSet directory. Consult the Wikipedia article on the Levenshtein
distance (>) for more info on error
rates. The error rate for the entire partition will be calculated as the total number of
insertions, deletions, and substitutions made in all transcriptions divided by the sum
of lengths of reference transcriptions.

Error rates are printed as ratios, not by "percentage."

While convenient and accurate, this script has very few features. Consider pairing the
command "torch-token-data-dir-to-trn" with sclite
( instead.

Many tasks will ignore some tokens (e.g. silences) or collapse others (e.g. phones).
Please consult a standard recipe (such as those in Kaldi before
performing these computations.

positional arguments:
  dir                   If the 'hyp' argument is not specified, this is the
                        parent directory of two subdirectories, 'ref/' and
                        'hyp/', which contain the reference and hypothesis
                        transcripts, respectively. If the '--hyp' argument is
                        specified, this is the reference transcript directory
  hyp                   The hypothesis transcript directory
  out                   Where to print the error rate to. Defaults to stdout

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id2token ID2TOKEN   A file containing mappings from unique IDs to tokens
                        (e.g. words or phones). Each line has the format "<id>
                        <token>". The flag "--swap" can be used to swap the
                        expected ordering (i.e. to "<token> <id>")
  --replace REPLACE     A file containing pairs of elements per line. The
                        first is the element to replace, the second what to
                        replace it with. If '--id2token' is specified, the
                        file should contain tokens. If '--id2token' is not
                        specified, the file should contain IDs (integers).
                        This is processed before '--ignore'
  --ignore IGNORE       A file containing a whitespace-delimited list of
                        elements to ignore in both the reference and
                        hypothesis transcripts. If '--id2token' is specified,
                        the file should contain tokens. If '--id2token' is not
                        specified, the file should contain IDs (integers).
                        This is processed after '--replace'
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --swap                If set, swaps the order of the key and value in
                        token/id mapping
  --warn-missing        If set, warn and exclude any utterances that are
                        missing either a reference or hypothesis transcript.
                        The default is to error
  --distances           If set, return the average distance per utterance
                        instead of the total errors over the number of
                        reference tokens
  --per-utt             If set, return lines of ``<utt_id> <error_rate>``
                        denoting the per-utterance error rates instead of the
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        The number of error rates to compute at once. Reduce
                        if you run into memory errors
  --quiet               Suppress warnings which arise from edit distance
  --costs INS DEL SUB   The costs of an insertion, deletion, and substitution,
  --nist-costs          Use NIST (sclite, score) default costs for insertions,
                        deletions, and substitutions (3/3/4)


usage: ctm-to-torch-token-data-dir [-h] [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                   [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX] [--swap]
                                   [--unk-symbol UNK_SYMBOL]
                                   [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                   [--mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE]
                                   [--skip-frame-times | --feat-sizing | --frame-shift-ms FRAME_SHIFT_MS]
                                   [--wc2utt WC2UTT | --utt2wc UTT2WC]
                                   ctm token2id dir

Convert a NIST "ctm" file to a SpectDataSet token data dir

A "ctm" file is a transcription file with token alignments (a.k.a. a time-marked
conversation file) used in the sclite
(>) toolkit. Here is the

    utt_1 A 0.2 0.1 hi
    utt_1 A 0.3 1.0 there  ;; comment
    utt_2 A 0.0 1.0 next
    utt_3 A 0.1 0.4 utterance

Where the first number specifies the token start time (in seconds) and the second the

This command reads in a "ctm" file and writes its contents as token sequences compatible
with the "ref/" directory of a SpectDataSet. See the command
"get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more info about a SpectDataSet directory.

positional arguments:
  ctm                   The "ctm" file to read token segments from
  token2id              A file containing mappings from tokens (e.g. words or
                        phones) to unique IDs. Each line has the format
                        "<token> <id>". The flag "--swap" can be used to swap
                        the expected ordering (i.e. to "<id> <token>")
  dir                   The directory to store token sequences to. If the
                        directory does not exist, it will be created

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --swap                If set, swaps the order of the key and value in
                        token/id mapping
  --unk-symbol UNK_SYMBOL
                        If set, will map out-of-vocabulary tokens to this
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count
  --mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE
                        The number of utterances that a multiprocessing worker
                        will process at once. Impacts speed and memory
  --skip-frame-times    If true, will store token tensors of shape (R,)
                        instead of (R, 3), foregoing segment start and end
  --feat-sizing         If true, will store token tensors of shape (R, 1)
                        instead of (R, 3), foregoing segment start and end
                        times (which trn does not have). The extra dimension
                        will allow data in this directory to be loaded as
                        features in a SpectDataSet.
  --frame-shift-ms FRAME_SHIFT_MS
                        The number of milliseconds that have passed between
                        consecutive frames. Used to convert between time in
                        seconds and frame index. If your features are the raw
                        samples, set this to 1000 / sample_rate_hz
  --wc2utt WC2UTT       A file mapping wavefile name and channel combinations
                        (e.g. 'utt_1 A') to utterance IDs. Each line of the
                        file has the format '<wavefile_name> <channel>
                        <utt_id>'. If neither '--wc2utt' nor '--utt2wc' has
                        been specied, the wavefile name will be treated as the
                        utterance ID
  --utt2wc UTT2WC       A file mapping utterance IDs to wavefile name and
                        channel combinations (e.g. 'utt_1 A'). Each line of
                        the file has the format '<utt_id> <wavefile_name>
                        <channel>'. If neither '--wc2utt' nor '--utt2wc' has
                        been specied, the wavefile name will be treated as the
                        utterance ID


usage: get-torch-spect-data-dir-info [-h] [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                     [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                     [--feat-subdir FEAT_SUBDIR]
                                     [--ali-subdir ALI_SUBDIR]
                                     [--ref-subdir REF_SUBDIR]
                                     [--strict | --fix [N]]
                                     dir [out_file]

Write info about the specified SpectDataSet data dir

NOTE: additional keys (6, 8-10) have been added since pydrobert-pytorch v0.3.0. In
addition, validation now allows for empty reference segments.

A torch SpectDataSet data dir is of the form


Where "feat/" contains float tensors of shape (T, F), where T is the number of frames
(variable) and F is the number of filters (fixed). "ali/" if there, contains long
tensors of shape (T,) indicating the appropriate per-frame class labels (likely pdf-ids
for discriminative training in an DNN-HMM). "ref/", if there, contains long tensors of
shape (R, 3) indicating a sequence of reference tokens where element indexed by "[i, 0]"
is a token id, "[i, 1]" is the inclusive start frame of the token (or a negative value
if unknown), and "[i, 2]" is the exclusive end frame of the token. Token sequences may
instead be of shape (R,) if no segment times are available in the corpus.

This command writes the following space-delimited key-value pairs to an output file in
sorted order:

1.  "max_ali_class", the maximum inclusive class id found over "ali/"
     (if available, -1 if not).
2.  "max_ref_class", the maximum inclussive class id found over "ref/"
     (if available, -1 if not).
3.  "num_utterances", the total number of listed utterances.
4.  "num_filts", F.
5.  "total_frames", the sum of T over the data dir.
6.  "total_tokens", the sum of R over the data dir (if available, -1 if not).
7.  "count_<i>", the number of instances of the class "<i>" that appear in "ali/"
    (if available).
8.  "segs_<i>". The number of segments of the class "<i>" that appear in "ali/"
    (if available). A segment of "<i>" is a maximal run of instances of "<i>" which
    appear sequentially in an alignment. For example, the alignment "0 1 0 1 1 1" would
    have "count_0 = 2" and "count_1 = 4", but "segs_0 = segs_1 = 2".
9.  "rcount_<i>", the total number of frames reference tokens with type index "<i>"
    occupy according to the segment boundaries listed in the sequences in "ref/" (if
    available). If any token sequence containing index "<i>" does not provide segment
    boundaries (or "<i>" never occurs), "rcount_<i>" is set to "-1".
10. "rsegs_<i>", the total number of segments (i.e. tokens) with type index "<i>"
    that appear in "ref/" (if available).

If "max_ali_class" was found (>= 0), all key/value pairs for "count_0-<max_ali_class>"
and "segs_0-<max_ali_class>" will be specified in the file, even if they aren't found
in the directory. Indices "<i>" will be left-padded with zeros so that keys are sorted
in increasing index. The same holds for "max_ref_class", "rcount_<i>", and "rsegs_<i>".

In an invalid data directory, the stored key/value pairs are not guaranteed to be
correct. Passing the "--strict" flag will validate the directory first. Passing "--fix"
instead will validate the directory and fix any small issues. See the function
"validate_spect_data_set" in the Python module for more
information on the validation process.

Note that the output can be parsed as a Kaldi ( text table of

positional arguments:
  dir                   The torch data directory
  out_file              The file to write to. If unspecified, stdout

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --feat-subdir FEAT_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where features are stored.
  --ali-subdir ALI_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where per-frame alignments are stored.
  --ref-subdir REF_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where reference token sequences are
  --strict              If set, validate the data directory before collecting
                        info. The process is described in
  --fix [N]             If set, validate the data directory before collecting
                        info, potentially fixing small errors in the
                        directory. An optional integer argument controls the
                        cropping threshold for ali/ and ref/ (defaults to 1).
                        The process is described in


usage: subset-torch-spect-data-dir [-h] [--copy | --symlink]
                                   (--utt-list UTTID [UTTID ...] | --utt-list-file PATH | --first-n N | --first-ratio R | --last-n N | --last-ratio R | --shortest-n N | --shortest-ratio R | --longest-n N | --longest-ratio R | --rand-n N | --rand-ratio R)
                                   [--only] [--seed SEED]
                                   [--feat-subdir FEAT_SUBDIR]
                                   [--ali-subdir ALI_SUBDIR]
                                   [--ref-subdir REF_SUBDIR]
                                   [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                   [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                   [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                   [--mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE]
                                   src dest

Make a new SpectDataDir from a subset of utterances of another

This command determines a set of utterances via a flag, then hard links all files in the
"feat/", "ali/" and "ref/" subdirectories matching the utterance id to in the "src"
directory to the "dest" directory.

See the command "get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more info about a SpectDataSet

positional arguments:
  src                   The directory to extract from
  dest                  The directory to extract to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --copy                Copy extracted files (instead of hard link)
  --symlink             Symlink extracted files (instead of hard link).
                        Symlinks will be relative to the destination.
  --utt-list UTTID [UTTID ...]
                        Extract the utterances listed directly after this flag
  --utt-list-file PATH  Extract the utterances listed in the passed file, one-
  --first-n N           Extract this number of utterances listed first by id
  --first-ratio R       Extract this ratio of utterances (rounding down)
                        listed first by id
  --last-n N            Extract this number of utterances listed last by id
  --last-ratio R        Extract this ratio of utterances (rounding down)
                        listed last by id
  --shortest-n N        Extract this number of utterances listed first by
                        increasing length, then by id
  --shortest-ratio R    Extract this ratio of utterances listed first by
                        increasing length, then by id
  --longest-n N         Extract this number of utterances listed first by
                        decreasing length, then by id
  --longest-ratio R     Extract this ratio of utterances listed first by
                        decreasing length, then by id
  --rand-n N            Extract this number of utterances listed randomly
  --rand-ratio R        Extract this ratio of utterances listed randomly
  --only                If set, extract only the data directly stored in 'src'
  --seed SEED           Seed used in --rand-* flags for determinism. If
                        unspecified, non-deterministic
  --feat-subdir FEAT_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where features are stored.
  --ali-subdir ALI_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where per-frame alignments are stored.
  --ref-subdir REF_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where reference token sequences are
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count
  --mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE
                        The number of utterances that a multiprocessing worker
                        will process at once. Impacts speed and memory

Available utterances to extract are determined by the contents of the "feat/"
subdirectory, unless "--only" was specified. Any extra or missing utterances in "ali/"
and "ref/" will be ignored.

If "--utt-list" or "--utt-list-file" is chosen, this command ignores any missing

When a criterion involves extracting some number of utterances which exceeds the total
number of utterances, that total is extracted instead.

Ratios are rounded down to the nearest utterance.

Sorting by id is performed according to python's sort method, i.e. by locale.

When "--only" is paired with "--shortest-*" or "--longest-*", "src" is assumed to also
be the directory to extract lengths from. Otherwise it's "feat/".

This command has a similar functionality to Kaldi's ( script, but defaults to hard links for cross-compatibility.


usage: textgrids-to-torch-token-data-dir [-h] [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                         [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX] [--swap]
                                         [--unk-symbol UNK_SYMBOL]
                                         [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                         [--mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE]
                                         [--textgrid-suffix TEXTGRID_SUFFIX]
                                         [--fill-symbol FILL_SYMBOL]
                                         [--skip-frame-times | --feat-sizing | --frame-shift-ms FRAME_SHIFT_MS]
                                         [--tier-name TIER_ID | --tier-idx TIER_ID]
                                         tg_dir token2id dir

Convert a directory of TextGrid files into a SpectDataSet ref/ dir

A "TextGrid" file is a transcription file for a single utterance used by the Praat
software (

This command accepts a directory of TextGrid files


and writes each file as a separate token sequence compatible with the "ref/" directory
of a SpectDataSet. If the extracted tier is an IntervalTier, the start and end points
will be saved with each token. If a TextTier (PointTier), the start and end points of
each segment will be identified with the point.

See the command "get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more info about a SpectDataSet

positional arguments:
  tg_dir                The directory containing the TextGrid files
  token2id              A file containing mappings from tokens (e.g. words or
                        phones) to unique IDs. Each line has the format
                        "<token> <id>". The flag "--swap" can be used to swap
                        the expected ordering (i.e. to "<id> <token>")
  dir                   The directory to store token sequences to. If the
                        directory does not exist, it will be created

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --swap                If set, swaps the order of the key and value in
                        token/id mapping
  --unk-symbol UNK_SYMBOL
                        If set, will map out-of-vocabulary tokens to this
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count
  --mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE
                        The number of utterances that a multiprocessing worker
                        will process at once. Impacts speed and memory
  --textgrid-suffix TEXTGRID_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix in tg_dir indicating a TextGrid file.
  --fill-symbol FILL_SYMBOL
                        If set, unlabelled intervals in the TextGrid files
                        will be assigned this symbol. Relevant only if a point
  --skip-frame-times    If true, will store token tensors of shape (R,)
                        instead of (R, 3), foregoing segment start and end
  --feat-sizing         If true, will store token tensors of shape (R, 1)
                        instead of (R, 3), foregoing segment start and end
                        times (which trn does not have). The extra dimension
                        will allow data in this directory to be loaded as
                        features in a SpectDataSet.
  --frame-shift-ms FRAME_SHIFT_MS
                        The number of milliseconds that have passed between
                        consecutive frames. Used to convert between time in
                        seconds and frame index. If your features are the raw
                        samples, set this to 1000 / sample_rate_hz
  --tier-name TIER_ID   The name of the tier to extract.
  --tier-idx TIER_ID    The index of the tier to extract.


usage: torch-ali-data-dir-to-torch-token-data-dir [-h]
                                                  [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                                  [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                                  [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                                  [--mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE]
                                                  ali_dir ref_dir

Convert an ali/ dir to a ref/ dir

This command converts a "ali/" directory from a SpectDataSet to an "ref/" directory.
The former contains frame-wise alignments; the latter contains token sequences. The
frame-wise labels are set to the token ids.

To construct the token sequence, the alignment sequence is partitioned into segments,
each segment corresponding to the longest contiguous span of the same frame-wise label.

See the command "get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more info SpectDataSet directories.

positional arguments:
  ali_dir               The frame alignment data directory (input)
  ref_dir               The token sequence data directory (output)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count
  --mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE
                        The number of utterances that a multiprocessing worker
                        will process at once. Impacts speed and memory


usage: torch-spect-data-dir-to-wds [-h] [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                   [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                   [--feat-subdir FEAT_SUBDIR]
                                   [--ali-subdir ALI_SUBDIR]
                                   [--ref-subdir REF_SUBDIR] [--shard]
                                   [--max-samples-per-shard MAX_SAMPLES_PER_SHARD]
                                   [--max-size-per-shard MAX_SIZE_PER_SHARD]
                                   dir tar_path

Convert a SpectDataSet to a WebDataset

A torch SpectDataSet data dir is of the form


Where "feat/" contains float tensors of shape (N, F), where N is the number of
frames (variable) and F is the number of filters (fixed). "ali/" if there, contains
long tensors of shape (N,) indicating the appropriate class labels (likely pdf-ids
for discriminative training in an DNN-HMM). "ref/", if there, contains long tensors
of shape (R, 3) indicating a sequence of reference tokens where element indexed by
"[i, 0]" is a token id, "[i, 1]" is the inclusive start frame of the token (or a
negative value if unknown), and "[i, 2]" is the exclusive end frame of the token.

This command converts the data directory into a tar file to be used as a
WebDataset (, whose contents are files


holding tensors with the same interpretation as above.

This command does not require WebDataset to be installed.

positional arguments:
  dir                   The torch data directory
  tar_path              The path to store files to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --feat-subdir FEAT_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where features are stored.
  --ali-subdir ALI_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where per-frame alignments are stored.
  --ref-subdir REF_SUBDIR
                        Subdirectory where reference token sequences are
  --shard               Split samples among multiple tar files. 'tar_path'
                        will be extended with a suffix '.x', where x is the
                        shard number.
  --max-samples-per-shard MAX_SAMPLES_PER_SHARD
                        If sharding ('--shard' is specified), dictates the
                        number of samples in each file.
  --max-size-per-shard MAX_SIZE_PER_SHARD
                        If sharding ('--shard' is specified), dictates the
                        maximum size in bytes of each file.


usage: torch-token-data-dir-to-ctm [-h] [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                   [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX] [--swap]
                                   [--frame-shift-ms FRAME_SHIFT_MS]
                                   [--wc2utt WC2UTT | --utt2wc UTT2WC | --channel CHANNEL]
                                   dir id2token ctm

Convert a SpectDataSet token data directory to a NIST "ctm" file

A "ctm" file is a transcription file with token alignments (a.k.a. a time-marked
conversation file) used in the sclite
( toolkit. Here is the

    utt_1 A 0.2 0.1 hi
    utt_1 A 0.3 1.0 there  ;; comment
    utt_2 A 0.0 1.0 next
    utt_3 A 0.1 0.4 utterance

Where the first number specifies the token start time (in seconds) and the second the

This command scans the contents of a directory like "ref/" in a SpectDataSet and
converts each such file into a transcription. Every token in a given transcription must
have information about its duration. Each such transcription is then written to the
"ctm" file. See the command "get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more info about a
SpectDataSet directory.

positional arguments:
  dir                   The directory to read token sequences from
  id2token              A file containing mappings from unique IDs to tokens
                        (e.g. words or phones). Each line has the format "<id>
                        <token>". The flag "--swap" can be used to swap the
                        expected ordering (i.e. to "<token> <id>")
  ctm                   The "ctm" file to write token segments to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --swap                If set, swaps the order of the key and value in
                        token/id mapping
  --frame-shift-ms FRAME_SHIFT_MS
                        The number of milliseconds that have passed between
                        consecutive frames. Used to convert between time in
                        seconds and frame index. If your features are the raw
                        samples, set this to 1000 / sample_rate_hz
  --wc2utt WC2UTT       A file mapping wavefile name and channel combinations
                        (e.g. 'utt_1 A') to utterance IDs. Each line of the
                        file has the format '<wavefile_name> <channel>
  --utt2wc UTT2WC       A file mapping utterance IDs to wavefile name and
                        channel combinations (e.g. 'utt_1 A'). Each line of
                        the file has the format '<utt_id> <wavefile_name>
  --channel CHANNEL     If neither "--wc2utt" nor "--utt2wc" is specified,
                        utterance IDs are treated as wavefile names and are
                        given the value of this flag as a channel


usage: torch-token-data-dir-to-textgrids [-h] (--feat-dir FEAT_DIR | --infer)
                                         [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                         [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX] [--swap]
                                         [--frame-shift-ms FRAME_SHIFT_MS]
                                         [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                         [--mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE]
                                         [--textgrid-suffix TEXTGRID_SUFFIX]
                                         [--tier-name TIER_NAME]
                                         [--precision PRECISION] [--quiet]
                                         [--force-method {1,2,3}]
                                         ref_dir id2token tg_dir

Convert a SpectDataSet ref/ dir into a directory of TextGrid files

A "TextGrid" file is a transcription file for a single utterance used by the Praat
software (

This command accepts a directory of token sequences compatible with the "ref/"
directory of a SpectDataSet and outputs a directory of TextGrid files


A token sequence ref is a tensor of shape either (R, 3) or just (R,). The latter has no
segment information and is just the tokens. The former contains triples "tok, start,
end", where "tok" is the token id, "start" is the starting frame inclusive, and "end" is
the ending frame exclusive. A negative value for either boundary means the information
is not available.

By default, this command tries to save the sequence as a tier preserving as much
information in the token sequence as possible in a consistent way. The following methods
are attempted in order:

1. If ref is of shape (R, 3), all segments boundaries are available, and all segments
   are of nonzero length, the sequence will be saved as an IntervalTier containing
   segment boundaries.
2. If ref is of shape (R, 3) and either the start or end boundary is available for every
   token, the sequence will be saved as a TextTier (PointTier) with points set to the
   available boundary (with precedence going to the greater).
3. Otherwise, the token sequence is written as an interval tier with a single segment
   spanning the recording and containing all tokens.

In addition, the total length of the features in frames must be determined. Either the
flag "--feat-dir" must be specified in order to get the length directly from the feature
sequences, or "--infer" must be specified. The latter guesses the length to be the
maximum end boundary of the token sequence available, or 0 (with a warning if "--quiet"
unset) if none are.

Note that Praat usually works either with point data or with intervals which
collectively partition the audio. It can parse TextGrid files with non-contiguous
intervals, but they are rendered strangely.

See the command "get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more info about a SpectDataSet

positional arguments:
  ref_dir               The token sequence data directory (input)
  id2token              A file containing mappings from unique IDs to tokens
                        (e.g. words or phones). Each line has the format "<id>
                        <token>". The flag "--swap" can be used to swap the
                        expected ordering (i.e. to "<token> <id>")
  tg_dir                The TextGrid directory (output)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --feat-dir FEAT_DIR   Path to features
  --infer               Infer lengths based on maximum segment boundaries
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --swap                If set, swaps the order of the key and value in
                        token/id mapping
  --frame-shift-ms FRAME_SHIFT_MS
                        The number of milliseconds that have passed between
                        consecutive frames. Used to convert between time in
                        seconds and frame index. If your features are the raw
                        samples, set this to 1000 / sample_rate_hz
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count
  --mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE
                        The number of utterances that a multiprocessing worker
                        will process at once. Impacts speed and memory
  --textgrid-suffix TEXTGRID_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix in tg_dir indicating a TextGrid file.
  --tier-name TIER_NAME
                        The name to save the tier with
  --precision PRECISION
                        Precision with which to save floating point values in
                        TextGrid files
  --quiet               If set, suppresses warnings when lengths cannot be
  --force-method {1,2,3}
                        Force a specific method of writing to TextGrid (1-3
                        above). Not enough information will lead to an error.


usage: torch-token-data-dir-to-torch-ali-data-dir [-h] [--feat-dir FEAT_DIR]
                                                  [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                                  [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                                  [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                                  [--mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE]
                                                  ref_dir ali_dir

Convert a ref/ dir to an ali/ dir

This command converts a "ref/" directory from a SpectDataSet to an "ali/" directory. The
former contains sequences of tokens; the latter contains frame-wise alignments. The
token ids are set to the frame-wise labels.

A reference token sequence "ref" partitions a frame sequence of length T if

1. ref is of shape (R, 3), with R > 1 and all ref[r, 1:] >= 0 (it contains segment
2. ref[0, 1] = 0 (it starts at frame 0).
3. for all 0 <= r < R - 1, ref[r, 2] = ref[r + 1, 1] (boundaries contiguous).
4. ref[R - 1, 2] = T (it ends after T frames).

When ref partitions the frame sequence, it can be converted into a per-frame alignment
tensor "ali" of shape (T,), where ref[r, 1] <= t < ref[r, 2] implies ali[t] = ref[r, 0].

WARNING! This operation is potentially destructive: a per-frame alignment cannot
distinguish between two of the same token next to one another and one larger token.

See the command "get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more info SpectDataSet directories.

positional arguments:
  ref_dir               The token sequence data directory (input)
  ali_dir               The frame alignment data directory (output)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --feat-dir FEAT_DIR   The feature data directory. While not necessary for
                        the conversion, specifying this directory will allow
                        the total number of frames in each utterance to be
                        checked by loading the associated feature matrix.
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count
  --mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE
                        The number of utterances that a multiprocessing worker
                        will process at once. Impacts speed and memory


usage: torch-token-data-dir-to-trn [-h] [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                   [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX] [--swap]
                                   [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                   dir id2token trn

Convert a SpectDataSet token data dir to a NIST trn file

A "trn" file is the standard transcription file without alignment information used
in the sclite (
toolkit. It has the format

    here is a transcription (utterance_a)
    here is another (utterance_b)

This command scans the contents of a directory like "ref/" in a SpectDataSeet and
converts each such file into a transcription. Each such transcription is then
written to a "trn" file. See the command "get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more
info about a SpectDataSet directory.

positional arguments:
  dir                   The directory to read token sequences from
  id2token              A file containing mappings from unique IDs to tokens
                        (e.g. words or phones). Each line has the format "<id>
                        <token>". The flag "--swap" can be used to swap the
                        expected ordering (i.e. to "<token> <id>")
  trn                   The "trn" file to write transcriptions to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --swap                If set, swaps the order of the key and value in
                        token/id mapping
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count


usage: trn-to-torch-token-data-dir [-h] [--alt-handler {error,first}]
                                   [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX]
                                   [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX] [--swap]
                                   [--unk-symbol UNK_SYMBOL]
                                   [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
                                   [--mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE]
                                   [--skip-frame-times | --feat-sizing]
                                   trn token2id dir

Convert a NIST "trn" file to the specified SpectDataSet data dir

A "trn" file is the standard transcription file without alignment information used in
the sclite ( toolkit. It
has the format

    here is a transcription (utterance_a)
    here is another (utterance_b)

This command reads in a "trn" file and writes its contents as token sequences compatible
with the "ref/" directory of a SpectDataSet. See the command
"get-torch-spect-data-dir-info" for more info about a SpectDataSet directory.

positional arguments:
  trn                   The input trn file
  token2id              A file containing mappings from tokens (e.g. words or
                        phones) to unique IDs. Each line has the format
                        "<token> <id>". The flag "--swap" can be used to swap
                        the expected ordering (i.e. to "<id> <token>")
  dir                   The directory to store token sequences to. If the
                        directory does not exist, it will be created

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --alt-handler {error,first}
                        How to handle transcription alternates. If "error",
                        error if the "trn" file contains alternates. If
                        "first", always treat the alternate as canon
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file
  --swap                If set, swaps the order of the key and value in
                        token/id mapping
  --unk-symbol UNK_SYMBOL
                        If set, will map out-of-vocabulary tokens to this
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to spawn to process the data. 0
                        is serial. Defaults to the CPU count
  --mp-chunk-size MP_CHUNK_SIZE
                        The number of utterances that a multiprocessing worker
                        will process at once. Impacts speed and memory
  --skip-frame-times    If true, will store token tensors of shape (R,)
                        instead of (R, 3), foregoing segment start and end
  --feat-sizing         If true, will store token tensors of shape (R, 1)
                        instead of (R, 3), foregoing segment start and end
                        times (which trn does not have). The extra dimension
                        will allow data in this directory to be loaded as
                        features in a SpectDataSet.