Attention and Transformer Networks

This document is a supplement for advanced usage of pydrobert.torch.modules.GlobalSoftAttention, such as for Transformer Networks [vaswani2017]. It picks up where the class’ summary left off.

query is an (n - 1)-dimensional tensor for n > 1. key is an n-dimensional tensor, and value is some n-dimensional tensor. Letting \(t\) index the dim-th dimension of key, \(q\) index the last dimension of query, and \(k\) index the last index of key. Let \(query_{t=0}\) indicate the “unsqueezed” version of query where \(t\) is inserted as the dim-th dimension. Then \(query_{t=0,q}\) must broadcast with \(key_k\). If specified, mask is an (n - 1)-dimensional tensor that broadcasts with \(e\), that is, broadcast with a tensor of the same shape as \(key_k\) after it has been broadcast to \(query_{t=0,q}\). Finally, value must broadcast with \(a_{k=0}\), that is, \(a\) with an unsqueezed final dimension. Care should be taken to ensure that any added dimensions to query, key, and value ensure that the dimension that is to be attended to (reduced) broadcasts to the correct location.

We’ll illustrate with an example. Here, we’ve designed a barebones version of a transformer network. There are lots of extra bits in a full transformer network – check [vaswani2017]. Here we focus on the single-headed attention mechanism (though a multi-headed version would be trivial to implement with pydrobert.torch.modules.MultiHeadedAttention). You can probably skip the explanation in the middle if all you want to make is a transformer network – these settings should work.

First the requisite imports:

>>> import torch
>>> from pydrobert.torch.modules import *

The encoder is going to take in transcripts inp of shape (T, num_batch), which have been right-padded along dimension 0. It will output both its encoding in the shape (T, num_batch, model_size) and a mask of shape (T, 1, num_batch) that will be used by the decoder to only consider the region of the encoding that was unpadded. By not specifying dim when initializing pydrobert.torch.modules.DotProductSoftAttention, the attention dimension is implicitly set to 0, which turns out to be our sequence dimension.

>>> class Encoder(torch.nn.Module):
>>>     def __init__(self, model_size, num_classes, padding_idx=-1):
>>>         super(Encoder, self).__init__()
>>>         self.model_size = model_size
>>>         self.num_classes = num_classes
>>>         self.embedder = torch.nn.Embedding(
>>>             num_classes, model_size, padding_idx=padding_idx)
>>>         self.attention = DotProductSoftAttention(
>>>             model_size, scale_factor=model_size ** -.5)
>>>     def forward(self, inp):
>>>         embedding = self.embedder(inp)
>>>         query = embedding  # (T, num_batch, model_size)
>>>         kv = embedding.unsqueeze(1)  # (T, 1, num_batch, model_size)
>>>         mask =
>>>         enc_mask = mask.unsqueeze(1)
>>>         out = self.attention(query, kv, kv, enc_mask)
>>>         return out, mask.unsqueeze(1)

The unsqueeze() calls are intended to ensure broadcasting occurs properly. We’re going to reduce the 0-th dimension (of size T) of kv, but the 0-th dimension of \(query_{t=0,q}\) has to be accounted for when creating \(e\). Then, through broadcasting, we expect \(e\) to be shaped as

query_{t=0,q}   1   T   num_batch
key_k           T   1   num_batch
e               T   T   num_batch

(The attention mechanism gets rid of the last dimension of query and key, in this case by taking the inner product). In \(e\), the 0-th dimension is going to refer to each index of the sequence in key, whereas the 1-st dimension refers to each index in the sequence of value. Effectively, a Cartesian Product has been produced between the sequence dimensions of both query and key.

We’ve unsqueezed mask to have shape (T, 1, num_batch). mask is responsible for ensuring only non-padded values of key are considered. It broadcasts with \(e\) as:

mask            T   1   num_batch
e               T   T   num_batch
e & mask        T   T   num_batch

Which means that the mask is being applied to the 0-th (key sequence) dimension and copied for every 1-st (query sequence) dimension. Had we instead unsqueezed the mask into shape (1, T, num_batch), the mask would have been applied to the 1-st dimension and copied to the 0-th instead. This mask would’ve introduced NaN into a[:, i] for some i.

Finally, value must broadcast with \(a_{k=0}\):

a_{k=0}         T   T   num_batch
value           T   1   num_batch
a_{k=0} * value T   T   num_batch

The 0-th dimension of value corresponds to its sequence dimension, which is lined up with the key sequence dimension, which is the one to be attended to. Had value been shaped as (1, T, num_batch), its sequence value would line up with that of query, \(a_{k=0} * value\) would be constant along the attention dimension, and the weighted combination of terms would just yield the original value tensor.

Now on to the decoder

>>> class Decoder(torch.nn.Module):
>>>     def __init__(self, model_size, num_classes, padding_idx=-2):
>>>         super(Decoder, self).__init__()
>>>         self.model_size = model_size
>>>         self.num_classes = num_classes
>>>         self.embedder = torch.nn.Embedding(
>>>             num_classes, model_size, padding_idx=padding_idx)
>>>         self.attention = DotProductSoftAttention(
>>>             model_size, scale_factor=model_size ** -.5)
>>>         self.ff = torch.nn.Linear(model_size, num_classes)
>>>     def forward(self, enc_out, dec_in, enc_mask=None):
>>>         embedding = self.embedder(dec_in)
>>>         query = embedding  # (S, num_batch, model_size)
>>>         kv = embedding.unsqueeze(1)  # (S, 1, num_batch, model_size)
>>>         pad_mask =
>>>         pad_mask = pad_mask.unsqueeze(1)  # (S, 1, num_batch)
>>>         auto_mask = torch.ones(
>>>             query.shape[0], query.shape[0], dtype=torch.uint8)
>>>         auto_mask = torch.triu(auto_mask)
>>>         auto_mask = auto_mask.unsqueeze(-1)  # (S, S, 1)
>>>         dec_mask = pad_mask & auto_mask  # (S, S, num_batch)
>>>         dec_out = self.attention(query, kv, kv, dec_mask)
>>>         query = dec_out  # (S, num_batch, model_size)
>>>         kv = enc_out.unsqueeze(1)  # (T, 1, num_batch, model_size)
>>>         out = self.attention(query, kv, kv, enc_mask)
>>>         out = self.ff(out)
>>>         return out, pad_mask

You can follow a similar logic as from the encoder to figure out most of the sizes here. The only not-so-clear part is the self-attention mask for the decoder. pad_mask does the same job as the encoder’s mask: it ensures only non-padded values are considered in the attention vector. auto_mask ensures the auto-regressive property of key-value computations. That is, letting \(s\) index the sequence dimension of dec_in, we want \(out_s\) not to depend on any \(dec\_in_{>s}\). Recall query, key, and value are all dec_in. Letting \(s\) be the sequence dimension for key (dim=0, attended to), and \(s'\) be the sequence dimension for query (dim=1, kept), we find the upper-triangular auto_mask satisfies

\[\begin{split}auto\_mask_{s,s'} = \begin{cases} 1 & \mbox{if } s \leq s' \\ 0 & \mbox{if } s > s' \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Since auto_mask should be applied indiscriminately to all batches, we unsqueeze a final dimension so that it broadcasts to the batch dimension of pad_mask.

The rest is straightforward. Here is some prep for a random data set:

>>> T, num_batch, model_size = 100, 5, 1000
>>> num_classes, start, eos = 20, 0, 1
>>> padding = num_classes - 1
>>> inp_lens = torch.randint(1, T + 1, (num_batch,))
>>> inp = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(
>>>     [
>>>         torch.randint(2, num_classes - 1, (x + 1,))
>>>         for x in inp_lens
>>>     ],
>>>     padding_value=padding,
>>> )
>>> inp[inp_lens, range(num_batch)] = eos
>>> target_lens = torch.randint(1, T + 1, (num_batch,))
>>> y = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(
>>>     [
>>>         torch.randint(2, num_classes - 1, (x + 2,))
>>>         for x in target_lens
>>>     ],
>>>     padding_value=padding,
>>> )
>>> y[0] = start
>>> y[target_lens + 1, range(num_batch)] = eos
>>> dec_inp, targets = y[:-1], y[1:]
>>> encoder = Encoder(model_size, num_classes, padding_idx=padding)
>>> decoder = Decoder(model_size, num_classes, padding_idx=padding)
>>> loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=padding)
>>> optim = torch.optim.Adam(
>>>     list(encoder.parameters()) + list(decoder.parameters()))

Here’s training a batch (you’lll have to do this a whole lot of times to get it to converge)

>>> optim.zero_grad()
>>> enc_out, enc_mask = encoder(inp)
>>> logits, _ = decoder(enc_out, dec_inp, enc_mask)
>>> logits = logits[..., :-1]  # get rid of padding logit
>>> l = loss(logits.view(-1, num_classes - 1), targets.flatten())
>>> l.backward()
>>> optim.step()

And finally, decoding a batch (test time) using greedy search

>>> enc_out, enc_mask = encoder(inp)
>>> dec_hyp = torch.full((1, num_batch), start, dtype=torch.long)
>>> enc_out, enc_mask = encoder(inp)
>>> done_mask = torch.zeros(num_batch, dtype=torch.uint8)
>>> while not done_mask.all():
>>>     logits, _ = decoder(enc_out, dec_hyp, enc_mask)
>>>     logits = logits[..., :-1]  # get rid of padding logit
>>>     pred = logits[-1].argmax(1)
>>>     pred.masked_fill_(done_mask, eos)
>>>     done_mask = pred.eq(eos)
>>>     dec_hyp =[dec_hyp, pred.unsqueeze(0)], 0)
>>> dec_hyp = dec_hyp[1:]