Language Modelling and Decoding

A Simple-ish Example

pydrobert-pytorch features interfaces for sequential Language Models (LMs). Sequential LMs are more easily integrated into the transcription/decoding process for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) than non-sequential ones like BERT [bert2019]. We will start with a basic implementation of the interface pydrobert.torch.modules.SequentialLanguageModel and extend it until we can perform a Beam Search or a Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) Prefix Search. We will perform computations on the CPU, though the code can be trivially adapted to the GPU by sending models and tensors to the appropriate device.

import torch
from pydrobert.torch.modules import SequentialLanguageModel

class RNNLM(SequentialLanguageModel):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size=128, hidden_size=512):
        super(RNNLM, self).__init__(vocab_size)
        self.embed = torch.nn.Embedding(
            vocab_size + 1, embed_size, padding_idx=vocab_size
        self.rnn = torch.nn.LSTMCell(embed_size, hidden_size)
        self.ff = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size)

    def calc_idx_log_probs(self, hist, prev, idx):
        N = hist.size(1)
        if idx == 0:
            in_ = hist.new_full((N,), self.vocab_size)
            prev = [self.rnn.weight_hh.new_zeros((N, self.rnn.hidden_size))] * 2
            if not prev:
                prev = self.calc_idx_log_probs(hist, None, idx - 1)[1]
            in_ = hist[idx - 1]
        embedding = self.embed(in_)
        h_1, c_1 = self.rnn(embedding, prev)
        logits = self.ff(h_1)
        return torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, -1), (h_1, c_1)

This is a simple, auto-regressive, sequential language model. It has one embedding layer, one LSTM cell layer, and one feed-forward layer to produce logits over the next output.

It is easy enough to train and sample the above LM:

vocab_size, batch_size, sequence_length, epochs = 520, 5, 15, 10
lm = RNNLM(vocab_size)
text = torch.randint(vocab_size, (sequence_length, batch_size))

# training
optim = torch.optim.Adam(lm.parameters())
ce_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
for epoch in range(epochs):
    hist = text[:-1]  # exclude the last token - don't need to predict next
    logits = lm(text[:-1])  # (sequence_length, batch_size, vocab_size)
    loss = ce_loss(logits.flatten(0, 1), text.flatten())

# random walk
hist = torch.empty((0, batch_size), dtype=torch.long)
prev = None
for idx in torch.arange(sequence_length):
    log_p, prev = lm(hist, prev, idx)
    # log_p is of shape (batch_size, vocab_size)
    cur_tokens = torch.distributions.Categorical(logits=log_p).sample()
    hist =[hist, cur_tokens.unsqueeze(0)])

calc_idx_log_probs() represents the work of a single step in the sequential language model. It receives a prefix of tokens, hist, a previous hidden state, prev, and an index, idx, telling it what index in hist to compute the distribution over the next token for. idx is usually going to increment by one with each subsequent call, i.e. 0, then 1, then 2, and so on. hist is of shape (S, batch_size), where S represents the prefix length. It will be no shorter than idx. The return value is a pair log_p, cur. log_p contains the log probabilities of the distribution over the next token (i.e. the token at idx). cur is the hidden state after absorbing prev and the tokens at idx - 1 in hist. prev and cur are not necessary to implement (they can remain None), but they avoid redundant computation in sequential loops.

The last few lines of calc_idx_log_probs() are straightforward enough: take the last token of the prefix (hist[idx - 1]) and extract an embedding from it using a the embedding layer self.embed; pass that embedding and the previous LSTM states prev into the LSTM layer to get back hidden and cell states cur; pass the hidden states through the feedforward layer to get logits; and return the normalized logits and cur. Normalizing the logits into log probabilities is not strictly necessary for this example, though it is when pairing with a search algorithm. A random walk with a few more bells and whistles can be accomplished by the module pydrobert.torch.modules.RandomWalk.

Note at the beginning of the method that we check if idx == 0. This is for when we’re generating the first token. Since we can’t extract a previous token from the history to feed into our LSTM, we produce a special, start-of-sequence token. We add the start-of-sequence type to end of the vocabulary (note the size of the torch.Embedding layer) and replace hist[idx - 1] with a tensor of start-of-sequence tokens whenever idx == 0.

To perform some form of search for the purposes of decoding, like a beam search or a CTC prefix search, the module needs to get more complicated. This is because the search needs to know how to manipulate the language model state (prev or cur). For pydrobert.torch.modules.BeamSearch, the LM must implement pydrobert.torch.modules.ExtractableSequentialLanguageModel, which extends SequentialLanguageModel. We reimplement our LM below:

import torch
from pydrobert.torch.modules import ExtractableSequentialLanguageModel

class RNNLM(ExtractableSequentialLanguageModel):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size=128, hidden_size=512):
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.embed = torch.nn.Embedding(
            vocab_size + 1, embed_size, padding_idx=vocab_size
        self.cell = torch.nn.LSTMCell(embed_size, hidden_size)
        self.ff = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size)

    def extract_by_src(self, prev, src):
        return {
            "hidden_state": prev["hidden_state"].index_select(0, src),
            "cell_state": prev["cell_state"].index_select(0, src),

    def update_input(self, prev, hist):
        if len(prev):
            return prev  # not first call
        N = hist.size(1)
        zeros = self.ff.weight.new_zeros((N, self.hidden_size))
        return {"hidden_state": zeros, "cell_state": zeros}

    def calc_idx_log_probs(self, hist, prev, idx):
        idx_zero = idx == 0
        if idx_zero.all():
            x = idx.new_full((hist.size(1),), self.vocab_size)
        elif not idx.dim():
            x = hist[idx - 1]
            x = hist.gather(0, (idx - 1).clamp(min=0).unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0)
            x = x.masked_fill(idx_zero, self.vocab_size)
        x = self.embed(x)
        h_1, c_1 = self.cell(x, (prev["hidden_state"], prev["cell_state"]))
        logits = self.ff(h_1)
        return (
            torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, -1),
            {"hidden_state": h_1, "cell_state": c_1},

First, note that the code in calc_idx_log_probs() has been updated slightly. Instead of prev being a pair (hidden_state, cell_state), it is now a dictionary {'hidden_state': hidden_state, 'cell_state': cell_state}. This has nothing to do with ExtractableSequentialLanguageModel - none of the interfaces particulary care about the contents of prev or cur (though dictionaries of tensors are compatible with TorchScript). The only other addition is a condition when idx is not just a single integer but a vector of integers of size (N,). For now, think of N as the batch size. The batch elements may no longer refer to the same index, so we gather the appropriate indices using torch.Tensor.gather(). Because some batch elements may not have started yet while others have, we use a mask to replace the entries where idx == 0 with the start-of-sequence token.

There is a new function called update_input() as well. This is called in the forward pass of the LM before any calls to calc_idx_log_probs() and is used to initialize the value of prev. The function takes the role of the prev = [...] statement in the previous implementation by initializing the hidden and cell states with all zeros. The argument hist is some prefix of the token sequence being passed to the language model. Usually and here as well, the sole purpose of passing hist is to determine the batch dimension N. If prev already has contents, we assume update_input() has already been called once and the states initilialized. This satisfies the requirement of update_input() that it be robust to repeated calls, i.e. update_input(prev, hist) == update_input(update_input(prev, y), hist). update_input() was also available in SequentialLanguageModel interface, we just didn’t use it.

The only addition unique to the ExtractableSequentialLanguageModel interface, therefore, is the method extract_by_src(). extract_by_src() provides a means for the search code to rearrange the LM state (prev) along the batch dimension, N, in order to produce an updated version of the state updated. src is a tensor of shape (N',), where N is not always equal to N', containing indices [0, N) to select along the batch dimension of tensors in prev to produce updated. If a tensor in prev, prev_x, has shape (*, N, *), then the corresponding tensor in updated, updated_x, should be of shape (*, N', *) and have values updated_x[..., src[n], ...] = prev_x[..., n, ...]. This can normally be accomplished with the function torch.Tensor.index_select(), as can be seen above. For RNNLM, we perform an index select along the batch dimension (0) for both the hidden and cell states, returning an updated dictionary.

Peeling the hood back a bit, search functions keep track of a number of candidate paths, extending some and pruning others according to their probabilities. The dimension N is actually a flattened combination of batch_size * previous_beam_width while N' is batch_size * current_beam_width. extract_by_src() allows the search to select the states of the paths that survived. The takeaway from an implementation perspective is that the batch size of any tensors in the methods of RNNLM are not guaranteed to match those of the tensors the module was passed as arguments (batch_size above).

With the updates to the model code complete, the updated code for training and decoding is as follows:

from pydrobert.torch.modules import BeamSearch

vocab_size, batch_size, sequence_length, epochs, eos = 520, 5, 15, 30, 0
beam_width, pad = 5, -1
lm = RNNLM(vocab_size)
lens = torch.randint(sequence_length, (batch_size,))
text = [torch.randint(1, vocab_size, (x + 1,)) for x in lens]
for text_n in text:
    text_n[-1] = eos
text = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(text, padding_value=pad)

# training
optim = torch.optim.Adam(lm.parameters())
ce_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=pad)
for epoch in range(epochs):
    hist = text[:-1].clamp(min=0)
    logits = lm(hist)
    loss = ce_loss(logits.flatten(0, 1), text.flatten())

# decoding
search = BeamSearch(lm, beam_width, eos)
with torch.no_grad():
    y, y_lens, log_probs = search()
print('top path:', y[:, 0], 'log_prob', log_probs[0])

The training code is similar to that we had before, except now we handle sequences of different lengths with an end-of-sequence (eos) type and a padding (pad) type. We append an end-of-sequence token to the end of each token sequence, followed by as many padding tokens as is necessary to match the length of every other sequence. The results are concatenated together by torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence() into the tensor text. The loss function ignores the padded values. This training code would work just as well with our previous version of RNNLM.

The decoding code is much simpler than that we used for the random walk. We merely create a pydrobert.torch.modules.BeamSearch module, pass the LM, beam width, and end-of-sequence type to it, and then call the module. The first argument to the module is y_prev. Usually this is just an empty tensor of shape (0, batch_size), though it can be of size (S, batch_size) to pass prefixes to the search to continue off of. Here, all the batch elements will yield the same results because the search is deterministic and RNNLM is not conditioned on any other input. The search returns a triple y, lens, log_probs. y is of shape (S', batch_size, beam_width) where y[s, n, k] is the s-th token of the k-th most probable path of the n-th batch element; lens is of shape (batch_size, beam_width) where lens[n, k] is the length of the k-th most probable path of the n-th batch element in y (i.e. values in y[lens[n, k]:, n, k] are padding); and log_probs is of shape (batch_size, beam_width) containing the (pseudo-)log probabilities of each path.

Extending RNNLM for a CTC prefix search with shallow fusion requires implementing pydrobert.torch.modules.MixableSequentialLanguageModel. The interface adds only one additional method but is otherwise identical to the previous implementation. For brevity, we forego rewriting the other methods below:

import torch
from pydrobert.torch.modules import MixableSequentialLanguageModel

class RNNLM(MixableSequentialLanguageModel):

    # ...

    def mix_by_mask(self, prev_true, prev_false, mask):
        return {
            "hidden_state": torch.where(mask.unsqueeze(1), prev_true["hidden_state"], prev_false["hidden_state"]),
            "cell_state": torch.where(mask.unsqueeze(1), prev_true["cell_state"], prev_false["cell_state"]),

The method mix_by_mask() allows the search to pick and choose parts of two separate state dictionaries via a boolean switch. mask is a boolean tensor of shape (N,) and the batch index of the tensors in both prev_true and prev_false should also be equal to N. The method returns a merged state dictionary updated such that, for tensors prev_true_x, prev_false_x, and updated_x in prev_true, prev_false, and updated, respectively, all of shape (*, N, *), updated_x[..., n, ...] == prev_true_x[..., n, ...] if mask[n] == True else prev_false_x[..., n, ...]. This can usually be accomplished with torch.where(). The above mix_by_mask() does so for both the hidden and cell states of the LSTM.

Why is this necessary? A CTC prefix search may sometimes choose to emit a token which is reduced into the previously emitted token, i.e. when emitting a duplicate or blank token. For these paths, we want to revert the state of the LM to whatever it was before the token was emitted. Since we don’t want to revert the state for all paths (some may have emitted), we require the method mix_by_mask(). A similar situation occurs in a beam search when one or more paths have ended (via an eos) while others continue, but we don’t bother rolling back the LM state then because we ignore all the probabilities output for those paths anyways. From an implementation perspective, it’s worth keeping in mind that prev_true and prev_false come from different steps in the decoding process. This will matter if any of the state tensors change size over subsequent steps, for example.

The training code is identical to above, so we forego it below. The decoding code has been updated for CTC:

from pydrobert.torch.modules import CTCPrefixSearch


# ...

# decoding
ctc_logits = torch.randn(sequence_length + 10, batch_size, vocab_size + 1)
ctc_lens = lens + 10
search = CTCPrefixSearch(beam_width, lm=lm)
with torch.no_grad():
    y, y_lens, probs = search(ctc_logits, ctc_lens)
for n in range(batch_size):
    print(f'top path {n}:', y[:y_lens[n, 0], n, 0], 'prob', probs[n, 0])

ctc_logits is a tensor of shape (T, batch_size, vocab_size + 1) representing the output of an acoustic model. The vocabulary dimension is one larger than the vocabulary size; the logits for the blank label are stored in ctc_logits[..., vocab_size]. ctc_lens functions similarly to y_lens above but for ctc_logits instead of y: the logits ctc_logits[ctc_lens[n]:, n] are all padding and thus should be ignored. We no longer need to consider eos in decoding because the total number of steps is dictated by the sequence dimension of ctc_logits, T. The search is passed ctc_logits and ctc_lens, returning a triplet. The only difference between the interpretation of the returned values from BeamSearch is that the final element, probs, are the (pseudo-)probabilities rather than the (pseudo-)log probabilities.

You may have noticed that the final implementation of RNNLM is entirely compatible with the previous usages: the RNNLM for CTCPrefixSearch can be passed to BeamSearch, and both those versions can be used to perform a random walk or determine the probability of a token sequence. For most cases, I suspect the only disadvantage implementing MixableSequentialLanguageModel over ExtractableSequentialLanguageModel over SequentialLanguageModel is a time commitment. Non-sequential language models like BERT [bert2019] won’t be able to implement any of them.


We can extend the above example in a few ways which we will cover here: the LM architecture can be updated, the training pass made more efficient, or the beam search can be modified.

There are a variety of LM architectures which can be considered sequential, at least with respect to the output token sequences. A straightforward extension to the RNNLM above is to turn it into a encoder-decoder architecture. An encoder-decoder, a mainstay in Neural Machine Translation (NMT) [cho2014] and ASR [chan2016], is effectively an RNN LM which conditions the token sequence on some input in_ via attention. More about attention is discussed in Attention and Transformer Networks. Here’s an implementation:

import torch
from pydrobert.torch.modules import (

class EncoderDecoder(MixableSequentialLanguageModel):

    def __init__(self, in_size, vocab_size, embed_size=128, hidden_size=512):
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.encoder = torch.nn.LSTM(in_size, hidden_size)
        self.attention = DotProductSoftAttention(hidden_size, 0)
        self.embed = torch.nn.Embedding(
            vocab_size + 1, embed_size, padding_idx=vocab_size
        self.cell = torch.nn.LSTMCell(embed_size + hidden_size, hidden_size)
        self.ff = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size)

    def update_input(self, prev, hist):
        if "in" not in prev:
            return prev  # already initialized
        in_ = prev["in"]  # (T, N, in_size)
        N = hist.size(1)
        assert N == in_.size(1)
        encoding = self.encoder(in_)[0]  # (T, N, hidden_size)
        zeros = self.ff.weight.new_zeros((N, self.hidden_size))
        return {"hidden_state": zeros, "cell_state": zeros, "encoding": encoding}

    def extract_by_src(self, prev, src):
        return {
            "hidden_state": prev["hidden_state"].index_select(0, src),
            "cell_state": prev["cell_state"].index_select(0, src),
            "encoding": prev["encoding"].index_select(1, src)

    def mix_by_mask(self, prev_true, prev_false, mask):
        # the encoding doesn't change each step, so we don't bother with torch.where
        return {
            "hidden_state": torch.where(mask.unsqueeze(1), prev_true["hidden_state"], prev_false["hidden_state"]),
            "cell_state": torch.where(mask.unsqueeze(1), prev_true["cell_state"], prev_false["cell_state"]),
            "encoding": prev_true["encoding"]

    def calc_idx_log_probs(self, hist, prev, idx):
        idx_zero = idx == 0
        if idx_zero.all():
            x = idx.new_full((hist.size(1),), self.vocab_size)
        elif not idx.dim():
            x = hist[idx - 1]
            x = hist.gather(0, (idx - 1).clamp(min=0).unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0)
            x = x.masked_fill(idx_zero, self.vocab_size)
        x = self.embed(x)
        encoding = prev["encoding"]
        ctx = self.attention(prev["hidden_state"], encoding, encoding)
        x =[x, ctx], 1)
        h_1, c_1 = self.cell(x, (prev["hidden_state"], prev["cell_state"]))
        logits = self.ff(h_1)
        return (
            torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, -1),
            {"hidden_state": h_1, "cell_state": c_1, "encoding": encoding},

vocab_size, batch_size, sequence_length, epochs, eos = 520, 5, 15, 100, 0
beam_width, pad, in_size, in_length = 5, -1, 30, 20
lm = EncoderDecoder(in_size, vocab_size)
lens = torch.randint(sequence_length, (batch_size,))
text = [torch.randint(1, vocab_size, (x + 1,)) for x in lens]
for text_n in text:
    text_n[-1] = eos
text = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(text, padding_value=pad)
in_ = torch.randn(in_length, batch_size, in_size)

# training
optim = torch.optim.Adam(lm.parameters())
ce_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=pad)
for epoch in range(epochs):
    hist = text[:-1].clamp(min=0)
    logits = lm(hist, {"in": in_})
    loss = ce_loss(logits.flatten(0, 1), text.flatten())

# decoding
search = BeamSearch(lm, beam_width, eos)
with torch.no_grad():
    y, y_lens, log_probs = search({"in": in_}, batch_size)
for n in range(batch_size):
    print(f'top path {n}:', y[:y_lens[n, 0], n, 0], 'log_prob', log_probs[n, 0])

Here we take advantage of passing the initial state in both the call to the lm and search instances to pass the initial input tensor in_ to the LM. On the first call to update_input(), the input tensor is fed into the encoder network and the output, encoding, is passed alongside the decoder LSTM states in the dictionary. The encoding is used in each call to calc_idx_log_probs() to create a context vector ctx, which is concatenated with the embedding and fed into the decoder LSTM. We’ve included code for BeamSearch decoding, but EncoderDecoder is compatible with CTCPrefixSearch as well.

With a little effort, the RNNs in EncoderDecoder can be replaced with stacks of attention layers like a Transformer network [vaswani2017]. The encoder part can be handled the same way as above. The attention-based auto-regressive decoder’s recursion on states is generally difficult to memoize, though it is possible to do so via this interface. It is much easier, however, to implement an attention-based decoder which just recalculates all its hidden states every time calc_idx_log_probs() is called using all the values of hist.

The class pydrobert.torch.modules.LookupLanguageModel, which loads pre-trained n-gram language models, implements MixableSequentialLanguageModel and is therefore compatible with both BeamSearch and CTCPrefixSearch.

We now move on to a key efficiency improvement applicable to all models covered so far. Auto-regressive sequential language models are usually trained (as above) by feeding the entire gold-standard token sequence as input to the LM, disregarding the “auto-regressive” feedback loop. Having access to the entire input sequence at once may allow the LM to use more efficient subroutines than a simple for loop. SequentialLanguageModel contains a method called calc_full_log_probs() with a default implementation:

class SequentialLanguageModel(torch.nn.Module):

    # ...

    def calc_full_log_probs(self, hist, prev):
        log_probs = []
        for idx in torch.arange(hist.size(0) + 1, device=hist.device):
            log_probs_idx, prev = self.calc_idx_log_probs(hist, prev, idx)
        return torch.stack(log_probs, 0)

The method returns a single tensor of shape (sequence_length, batch_size, vocab_size) by stacking the results of successive calls to calc_idx_log_probs(). A subclass may reimplement this method. For example, our RNNLM can implement it as:

import torch
from pydrobert.torch.modules import MixableSequentialLanguageModel, BeamSearch

class RNNLM(MixableSequentialLanguageModel):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size=128, hidden_size=512):
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.embed = torch.nn.Embedding(
            vocab_size + 1, embed_size, padding_idx=vocab_size
        self.cell = torch.nn.LSTMCell(embed_size, hidden_size)
        self.lstm = torch.nn.LSTM(embed_size, hidden_size)
        self.lstm.weight_ih_l0 = self.cell.weight_ih
        self.lstm.weight_hh_l0 = self.cell.weight_hh
        self.lstm.bias_ih_l0 = self.cell.bias_ih
        self.lstm.bias_hh_l0 = self.cell.bias_hh
        self.ff = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size)

    # ...

    def calc_full_log_probs(self, hist, prev):
        hist =[hist.new_full((1, hist.size(1)), self.vocab_size), hist], 0)
        x = self.embed(hist)
        x = self.lstm(x)[0]
        logits = self.ff(x)
        return torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, -1)

We’ve shared weights between the torch.nn.LSTMCell module instance cell and a torch.nn.LSTM module instance lstm. Calling the lstm module on the full sequence allows access to more efficient backend routines. A Transformer network can avoid the recurrence altogether by appropriate masking of input.

The final extension I’ll mention relates to BeamSearch. There are a variety of different flavours of beam search out there. BeamSearch is a no-frills variety which computes the probability of a path as the product of the probabilities of its tokens and finishes when the most probable path in the beam is also completed (i.e. ends with an eos). Other varieties of beam search will modify the path probabilities and/or the stopping criteria. BeamSearch supports two additional stopping criteria: all paths in the beam must be complete, or some cut-off length is achieved. Consult the class documentation for more detail. More complicated stopping criteria will require reimplementing beam search, at which point the low-level function pydrobert.torch.functional.beam_search_advance() might be a good starting point. Modifying path probabilities is much easier. To do so, one may sublclass BeamSearch and reimplement the method pydrobert.torch.modules.BeamSearch.update_log_probs_for_step(). Here’s an example which normalizes the log probabilities of paths by their lengths:

from pydrobert.torch.modules import BeamSearch

class LengthNormalizedBeamSearch(BeamSearch):

    def update_log_probs_for_step(
        num =
        denom = num + 1 -
        num, denom = num.clamp_(min=1), denom.clamp_(min=1)
        return (
            log_probs_prev * num / denom,
            log_probs_t / denom.unsqueeze(-1)

log_probs_prev is the pseudo-log-probabilities of the paths up to the current step (with normalization); log_probs_t contains the log-probabilities of the tokens extending the paths (without normalization). To renormalize log_probs_prev by the extended length (y_prev_lens + 1), we multiply by the previous normalization constant (y_prev_lens) to de-normalize log_probs_prev, then divide by the new one. Since log_probs_t is unnormalized, we just divide by the new constant. When the results are added together, the extended path pseudo-log-probability will be normalzied by y_prev_lens + 1.

This is just one implementation of many. Consult the documentation of pydrobert.torch.modules.BeamSearch.update_log_probs_for_step() for more information.